BMW Inline Hydro Stainless Steel Braided Lines Kit

From: $119.99

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It’s no secret that handbrakes are used quite often when drifting. Unfortunately, the BMW handbrake cables tend to extend with time, and decrease in performance at each pull. For many years people have started to install hydraulic handbrake systems in order to keep a reliable feedback from the e-brake lever.
This inline stainless steel braided lines kit is by far the easiest way to install an hydraulic ebrake. Compared to the stand-alone systems, an inline kit does not require the installation of another pair of calipers on the rear disc brakes. Simply route one line from the brake master cylinder to the hydraulic handbrake master cylinder, and route the other line back to the ABS block.
This kit includes two 72 inch stainless steel braided lines and the necessary fittings to install it.
This kit fits all BMW E36, E46, E8X and also E9X.

I want an hydraulic handbrake, what else do I need beside this line kit?
A master cylinder and a lever, that’s it.

I’m hesitating between stand-alone and inline system, what’s better?
The stand-alone system requires the installation of another pair of calipers in the rear. Even though there are bolt-on install kits out there, the most popular way of mounting them is welding. If you do not own a welding machine, and you’re looking for a kit that can be installed in your driveway, inline is definitely the way.

Lifetime warranty.


Install video : Here

Please note that in the video, the lines weren’t tucked through the dash, which is where we route the lines in this kit. There is enough length for you to carefully go around the trims. There’s enough length for you to mount your handbrake at the OE ebrake location, on horizontal mounts lever.

Here is how you bleed this system :
1: Add fluid
2: Unplug abs unit
3: Pump brake pedal and hold
4: Pull back hydro and hold
5: Open bleeder
6: Close bleeder
7: Gentle pump on the brake pedal to bring back hydro at his place
8: Repeat step 2 to 7 until pedal and hydro feel is nice
9: Plug back abs unit

Make sure your system is connected successfully to your hydro master before completing these steps.

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